KLUB – Billiard-hockey šprtec
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One of the most thrilling and popular video editing programs according to me is 100 Bubbles Overlay Video Clips. This program allows you to create stunning visual effects with the use of animated bubbles over your photographs or video scenes. This program can produce realistic-looking explosions, particles, rainbows stripes, and a variety of other effects to bring excitement and fun to your clips. To add these effects, all you have to do is to create a new layer over the clip that you want to use as your backdrop for your video.
First, select the location or area where you’d like to place water bubbles in your video clip. Then, you must select the size of the water bubbles you wish to use in your video. Then, click the + symbol and select the add video option from the pop up menu. Then, you can begin adding various animations using the tools that are available in the program. Draw an outline between the points, if needed, and then choose an image from your computer or a photograph to fill the vacant place.
To proceed to the next step, select the Clip Layer option in the main menu. You will see the bubbles that you created using the Add Blob tool. In this layer, you will need ensure that you apply the animation to your clip. You can edit or modify the bubbles you have created using the Transform option after you apply the animation. To change their bubbles overlay video position or size simply drag their handles to the right or to the left. You can also make them stop at any time using the Move option.
The final step is to select the Background option in order to customize your video backdrop. You can choose the background image from your computer, or a photo of a water feature like a waterfall pond, or lake. The next step will guide you on how to put the image on your Video Clip.
You can also add an image for background to your video after creating the bubbles. Open the photo or your photo editing software and then place it over your bubbles using the assistance of the Move tool. You can also make collages from various images of real water bodies by choosing random patterns. Afterwards you can add additional images or text to suit your preference. Once you’re completed, you can save your video in a Movie Clip, AVI or other format. You can then use your newly created bubbles to overlay video.
These are a few easy methods to add animated bubbles to your video. This technique can be used when you are making an incredibly short video for enjoyment or educational work. To create an original video collage, you can combine the two techniques including adding audio to the video and creating a background using bubbles. This unique combination will help you stand apart in the video editing world.
Již od roku 2004 působíme v Centru volného času Kohoutovice, kde mladé hráče připravujeme na ligové i žákovské soutěže. Jsme pravidelnými účastníky Ligy škol ve stolním hokeji i 1. a 2. ligy družstev a organizátory Kohoutovického poháru.