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How to Create The Perfect Essay
If you’re going to take up English or a subject from Arts and Humanities at university there will be a lot of essay writing. It’s a difficult skill to master as it demands both imagination and an logical approach, but if you are able to follow the following each time you write an essay, you’ll be well on your way towards success:
1. Plan
This might sound like a time-consuming task, but if you make a really good plan it can save you time when creating your essay. This is because you’ll know precisely where your answer is heading and will not force yourself into an uncharted area. If you’re stuck at first . Just write down some ideas, and the rest will follow. I find it easier to create a map of my mind by making each new bubble being a part of one of my main paragraphs. I then compose quotations that will aid in my analysis around the bubble.
If, for instance, I was answering the question ‚To what extent is the character of Curley’s spouse depicted as subject in Of Mice and Men?‘ I might begin an outline of my mind that looks something like this:
You can add more details to this outline, separating bits out and linking the various bubbles as you find the connections.by link https://ventsmagazine.com/2022/09/02/6-best-ways-to-write-an-essay/ website While you might not have time to create the exact plan for your exams, it may be helpful just to sketch out a short one that contains a couple of crucial words so that you don’t get overwhelmed and wander off topic when writing your essay. If you’re not comfortable with the mindmap style, there are plenty of alternatives to choose from: you can create a table or flowchart or simply some bullet points.
2. Maintain a clear structure
Consider this when you are making plans. Your essay is like an argument or speech. It needs to have a coherent structure, in which all your points come together to address the question. Start with the basics: It is best to select only a handful of major points, which can be used as your main paragraphs. Three main paragraphs are a good number for a test essay as you’ll be under time pressure. Then, organize your thoughts in a order comprising YES (agreement in the query) + (another „YES“ argument) BUT (disagreement or confusion) to show that you agree with the overall question, or YES – BUT AND if there is a disagreement. This is to ensure you’re always focused on your argument and you do not wander away from the topic.
For instance, you might arrange an example of the Of Mice and Men sample query as follows:
What is the extent to which Curley’s wife depicted as the victim in Of Mice and Men?‘
- YES – she has descriptions about her looks
- Also, other people’s attitude toward her
- However, her status as the only woman on the ranch grants her authority when she utilizes her femininity to her advantage
If you were planning to write a longer essay it is possible to include additional paragraphs in the ‚YES/AND‘ category, maybe focusing on the ways in which the wife of Curley reveals her vulnerability and insecurities as she shares her fantasies with the other characters. On the other hand, you can also extend your essay by including another ‚BUT‘ paragraph regarding her cruel and manipulative streak.
Of obviously, this isn’t necessarily the best way in answering the question If you back up your arguments with the facts in the text, you are able to accept any view that is reasonable.
3. Be sure to back your claims with well-analyzed quotes
You would never write a science report without presenting evidence to back up your conclusions therefore why should it be any different with an essay? While you’ren’t obliged to back up every aspect you discuss with quotations, there’s not much risk in trying. A thorough reading of the quotations you make can help improve your understanding of what you’re asked to say and will surely impress your examiners.
When you are deciding on the best quotations to include in your essay, be sure to keep an eye out for specific literary techniques. You could, for instance, explore Curley’s wife’s application of a rhetorical query when she writes, „What am I doin‘? I’m here, talking to several stiffs of bindle“
The question „An What am I doing?“ signifies that Curley’s wife is quite insecure; she seems to be thinking about her life choices. In addition, the fact she doesn’t believe that anyone will answer her query reveals her loneliness.
Other literary techniques you should look out for are:
- Tricolon is a set of three words or phrases put closely together to give emphasis
- Tautology, a word that is used in different ways which are the same including ‚frightening‘ as well as frightening.
- Parallelism – ABAB structure. It usually signifies shift from one concept to another
- Chiasmus Chiasmus ABBA structure. Draws attention to the phrase
- Polysyndeton – many words in an expression
- Asyndeton is the absence of conjunctions and can accelerate the speed of an entire sentence
- Polyptoton – – using the same word in different forms to create focus, for instance „done,“ „doing,“
- Alliteration is the repetition or repetition of the exact sound. Different forms of alliteration include assonance (similar vowel sounds) also known as plosive (‚b‘, ‚d‘ and ‚p‘ sound) as well as sibilance (‚s‘ sounds)
- Anaphora – repeated words; usually used for emphasis on a particular issue.
Do not fret if you are unable to discover all these literary devices in the book the study is focusing on – you may also discuss more obvious effects, like metaphor, simile and onomatopoeia. This isn’t a problem if you’re unable to remember all the long names – it’s vital to demonstrate the significance of these literary techniques and their significance for the topic than apply the correct terminology.
4. Be unique and imaginative all the way through
Everyone can write an essay with these suggestions, however what makes it ‚perfect‘ is your personal take on the subject you’re discussing. If you’ve come across something interesting or unorthodox in your reading Make sure you mention it: if you find it intriguing most likely the teacher will as well.
Creative writing and essay writing are more tightly linked than you’d like to think. keep the notion of writing an argument or speech in your mind, and you’re sure to catch your readers‘ attention.
It’s vital to clearly define your argument in your introduction, explaining your main points and the general direction your essay is likely to take, but be sure to add something to the end of your essay in the end, too. Sure, you have to outline your main points however, if you’re just repeating your points from your introduction, the essay will be useless.
Think of your final sentence as the final climax of your talk, the one that which everything else was leading towards, instead of boring and boring at the close of your interesting talk.
For those looking to go back to Of Mice and Men once again, here’s an illustration of the best distinction of an intro and a conclusion
From John S. Steinbeck’s Of Mice and Men, Curley’s wife is presented as a conflicting character. The woman could be perceived as a cruel at times, or seductive, or even a lonely woman who is the victim of her society’s attitude. Although she appears to have a sexual power, it is evident that Curley’s wife largely a victim. This conclusion is supported by her description of appearance in the novel, people’s attitudes, dreams, and her evident lack of confidence and loneliness.
Overall, it’s apparent that Curley’s wife is a victim . And she appears as such throughout the novel, in details of her look, dreams as well as in the judgemental behavior of other characters, and her feelings of loneliness and insecurity. However, a person who was a victim, and nothing else would be one-dimensional as Curley’s wife does not. While she is afflicted in a variety of ways but she’s shown to assert herself through the manipulation of her femininity . It’s a small protest against the exploitation she feels.
Both rely on this question, and also summarize the main points of the essay however, the conclusion includes something completely new that has not been established in the first part of the article, and alters the simple summary that is in the Introduction.
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