KLUB – Billiard-hockey šprtec
Pravidelně aktualizované stránky o stolním hokeji. Najdete zde nejen informace o našem klubu, ale i o soutěžích pořádaných Unií hráčů stolního hokeje.
The Best Way to design a frame pool in the cottage
Purchase and install at the dacha pool – this is only half of the arrangement of the location of rest. A font should be decorated into the bowl didn’t stand trough in the middle of the lawn, and was part of the design of this landscape. Not an easy task, but within the ability of each owner. Presented on the photo pool design in the nation, will help to locate new ideas and superbly equip the place of relaxation. A cellular resting place
Most dachas are uninhabited and people see them just in summer time to care for gardening. There’s no point in installing an expensive stationary pool. The best choice is an inflatable bowl. Lightweight pool in the deflated state can easily be attracted to your site, pump it up and enjoy your holiday season.
A big plus for fans of aesthetics is that the design of this pool doesn’t need any price. Inflatable bowl just wants a level surface. Install the font can be on the paving slabs or in the backyard. The only problem might be the business of water . Inflatable versions are modest, but it is unreasonable to drain several cubes only from the yard. When there is a lawn on the property, this is actually the best place. If needed, the water could be poured simply on the grass.
The shape and thickness of this stationary pool
When it is decided to put in a stationary design, about the plan of the pool at the cottage should think even prior to its setup. The very first thing determined with the form. Drip should be convenient, spacious, fit to the design of the yard, but don’t take a shortage of free space. Modern materials allow you to produce bowls of any shape by person size.
Již od roku 2004 působíme v Centru volného času Kohoutovice, kde mladé hráče připravujeme na ligové i žákovské soutěže. Jsme pravidelnými účastníky Ligy škol ve stolním hokeji i 2. ligy družstev a organizátory Kohoutovického poháru.